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By Tino MazorodzePresident, IBZim Blog

The top 10 richest Companies in Zimbabwe in 2024

2 mins

Even though Zimbabwe is struggling economically companies still find a way to profit and survive through these hardships. These successful companies are all around us as we walk around especially through Central businesses areas.

Richest Companies in Zimbabwe | IBZIM

Business Statistics in Zimbabwe 2024

  • The GDP in Zimbabwe for 2023 was $32.22 Billion
  • There are over 500,000 registered business in Zimbabwe
  • Only 3% of businesses in Zimbabwe make a monthly profit above $10,000
  • Most Zimbabwean businesses are retails grocery shops

Top 10 richest companies in Zimbabwe in 2024

Rank & Name Market Cap Est Employees
#1 Delta Corporation $0.6 Billion 5000
#2 Econet Wireless $0.3 Billion 2500
#3 Inncor Africa $0.2 Billion 10000
#4 FBC Holdings $0.1 Billion 800
#5 CBZ Holdings $0.1 Billion 1300
#6 Old Mutual Zimbabwe $85 Million 1000
#7 Seed Co $82 Million 800
#8 African Distillers $50 Million 300
#9 Meikles $45 Million 600
#10 CAFCA $25 Million 1000

From the table above we can conclude that some companies are indeed making worthwhile profits within Zimbabwe. Whether or not you start your business in Zimbabwe is up to you but be rest assured with the right business plan you can setup a million dollar company within the country.