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By Tino MazorodzePresident, Developer

Here are 10 of the most expensive and beautiful houses in Zimbabwe

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This is just of one of those things you should know about to jump start your motivation or for simply having the knowledge. In this article I will cover the top 10 most expensive and aesthatic houses in Zimbabwe.

Most Beautiful and Expensive Houses in Zimbabwe | IBZIM

Most expensive houses in Zimbabwe (2025)

Rank & House Location Price (in millions)
#1 Blue Roof Borrowdale, Harare US$26
#2 Dr Philip Chiyangwa's Mansion Borrowdale, Harare US$14
#3 Domboshava Mansion Nyamande Village, Domboshava US$12
#4 VP Chiwenga's Mansion Borrowdale, Harare US$10
#5 Security estate home Borrowdale, Harare US$6.5
#6 Chivhayo's Mansion Unkown US$4
#7 Cape Dutch Splendor Glen Lorne US$3.2
#8 Makandiwa's House Enterprise, Harare US$3
#9 De Host Mega House Rolf Valley, Harare US$2.4
#10 Delarus House Borrowdale, Harare US$2.3

Top 10 most expensive and most beautiful houses in Zimbabwe in 2024

1. Dr Grace Mugabe's Borrowdale Blue Roof

The most expensive house in Zimbawe worth US$26 Million - IBZIM Blog
(Image Credit: voazimbabwe.com)

Estimated Market Value: US$26,000,000

Dr Grace Mugabe's Borrowdale Blue Roof is the most expensive house in Zimbabwe. It is located in Borrowdale Brooke, Harare. The house features 25 bedrooms and has two lakes in its 44 acre landscaped grounds.

2. Dr Philip Chiyangwa's Borrowdale Brook Mansion

Dr Philip Chiyangwa's Borrowdale Brook Mansion - IBZIM Blog

Estimated Market Value: US$14,000,000

Dr Philip Chiyangwa's mansion is estimated to have a value of over 14 Million USD. This mansion is located in Borrowdale, Harare. The house has over 40 rooms which include 15 carports, 18 bedrooms, 25 lounges, 4 balconies, 9 servant quarters. The mansion also features 2 swimming pools and 3 heliports.

3. Late Ginimbi's Domboshava Mansion

Estimated Market Value: US$12,000,000

Late Ginimbi's Cars and House - IBZIM Blog
(Image Credit: postonsunday.co.zw)

The late Ginimbi's mansion is located in Nyamande Village, Domboshava. There is a question mark as to who owns it now. The house has over 16 rooms including six bedrooms, a fully equipped gym and a 14-seater state-of-the-art cinema.

4. VP Constantino Chiwenga's Borrowdale Brooke Mansion

Estimated Market Value: US$10,000,000

VP Constantino Chiwenga's US$10 Million Borrowdale Brooke Mansion - IBZIM Blog

VP Chiwenga's 10 million dollar masterpiece is located in Borrowdale Brooke, Haare. There were some reports of the house beeing burned down but information on whether it was renovated is not yet public.

5. Security estate home

Estimated Market Value: US$6,500,000

Security Esate Home in Zimbabwe Image 1
(Image Credit: pamgolding.co.za)

This 2 storey mansion is located in Borrowdale, Harare and is pegged at a selling price of 6.5 million dollars. It features 4 bedrooms, mains having balconies among other common rooms such as kitchens, bathrooms and lounges. There are other additional buildings within the property which include staff accommodation, a storage room and a tennis court.

6. Wicknell Chivhayo's Mansion

Estimated Market Value: US$4,000,000

Sir Wicknell Chivhayo's US$4 Million Mansion - IBZIM Blog

Our local car donation agent Sir Wicknell owns this magnificent mansion with an estimated value of over 4 million dollars.

7. Cape Dutch Splendor

Estimated Market Value: US$3,200,000

Glen Lorne $6.5 Million Mansion Image 1
(Image Credit: pamgolding.co.za)

This Cape Dutch Splendor in Glen Lorne, Harare is pegged at a selling price if $3.2 million. It is within 14 acres of land and has 20 rooms, 6 of them being bedrooms. The mansion also features an office, a gym and children's playroom on the second floor. Other sitings on the property are a swimming pool, tennis court and a bar.

8. Prophet Emanuel Makandiwa's House

Estimated Market Value: 3 million

Makandiwa's newly built $3 million dollar mansion - IBZIM Blog

Even though there are controversies on the construction of this house, Makandiwa still owns this masterpiece which is estimated to be worth over $3 million. The house is located along Enterprise Road in Harare.

9. De Host Mega House

Estimated Market Value: US$2,400,000

$2.4 million mega house in harare image 1

This house or as I would like to call it "De Host Mega House" is a 14 massive bedroom house residing in Rolf Valley, Harare. It sits on around 1.5 acres of land. The house is pegged for sale at $2.4 million. Each bedroom has its own ensuite bathroom. There are multiple entertainment areas and a conference room within the premises.

10. Luxury Contemporary Home

Estimated Market Value: US$2,300,000

$2.3 million Luxury Contemporary Home in Borrowdale image 1

For just $2.3 million you can be the owner of this luxury contemporary home located in Borrowdale, Harare along Price Drive. The house offers exquisite views including a front row view ticket to the Domboshava mountain range. It has an infinity pool under which is a man cave to be used as an office or bar.